Thursday, July 26, 2012


We booked two weeks in Sedona this year. The first week was July 7 - 14. We stayed in the stone house. It was a great house, the first hotel in Sedona it was a historic house! Our first day started out with two sick kiddos, Michael and Bella. A quick stop at the pediatrician and Walgreens and we were on our way with a diagnosis of a fever for Bella and hand, foot, mouth disease for Michael. The worst of it for Mikey was Friday, my birthday of course, so Sat even though he looked horrible with sores all over, he was cleared for vacation. We had a slow evening the first night with two sick kids, swimming for everyone but Mikey and pizza ordered in. Kim and kids came up for first two nights which was fun as always. Mom and Dad arrived for their week on Sunday. We had a relaxing week, lots of pool time, a few sight seeing trips with mom and dad, and lots of activities at the new activity center.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

White Mountains

Nana and Papa offered to take the two oldest grand kids, besides Chris, to Big Lake camping for a week. Lizzy broke her foot two days before, but she still went, even with an air boot. They stayed for 6 nights and had a great time. They fished a lot and Lizzy caught her first fish. They played many games of UNO. It sounds like they had a great time. It was a great week for the two cousins to get to know their nana and papa better. Nana told lots of stories about when their moms were little. It was a week where many new memories were made!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fun Times Spring 2012

Some different shots of different fun times this spring!  Playin in the yard and tub, Michael after a haircut and at the park!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Markie's First Communion and Confirmation

Markie made his First Communion and Confirmation on April 29 at St. Tims.  We had a lot of friends and family come to support Markie in his sacraments.  Wendi and kids, Mark from KC, Curtis, and Nana and Papa all came to town for it.  We had a big party afterwards and Brad was Mark's sponsor.  The whole day was a lot of fun.  I served two hams and lots of great appetizers including my buffalo chicken dip which is always a hit!  Markie had a great day and I almost forgot, we had a fun pinata and the kids loved swingin at that!  I have so many pics of the day, but I have to add a couple of pics of the pinata fun.