Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bella's Birthday

We celebrated Bella's birthday on August 7 this year.  August 8 was the first day of school and her actual birthday, August 9 was the second day of school.  So on the 7th we headed to Peter Piper Pizza with Deanna and her kids, Kim and her kids minus Ben who had his first day of school, and Nana and our whole family.  It was a lot of fun.  We had a huge Hello Kitty cake when we got home.  The cake was amazing from a bakery I had a groupon from, but sadly enough Bella did not like it because the bakery put chocolate chips in the cake and Bella hates chocolate chips in anything.  But it was a beautiful cake! 

Bella turns 6, things she loves:
macarroni and cheese, esp the frozen kind.
pop tarts, smores flavor or hot fudge sundae.
chocolate milk in one kind of sippy cup only.
canned pears and applesauce
My Ipad
sleeping a long time preferably in my bed.
things her way whenever possible.

We had a party for Bella a week later so she could invite all her friends.  It was a swim party with bingo and pin the tail on the donkey and tattoos.  It was fun.  All her friends came.